Hairu Food Technologies

“The Technology of Livelihood”

Mission: “To develop farm gate supply chain, consist of true local primary producers, linked with food processing industry in order to add values for primary raw materials through appropriate food technology while passing the benefits of value addition to upgrade the living standards of primary producers.”

The Traditional hunter-gatherer lifestyles, followed by humans since their evolution, were swept aside in favor of permanent settlements and a reliable food supply. Thus the inception of most ancient branches in the food industry “ Agriculture , Farming and Aquatic Harvesting” evolved. Through agriculture, cities and civilizations grew, the global population multiplying at a speedy rate from five million people 10,000 years ago, to more than seven billion today making the industries highly sensitive and very demanding to feed the growing population with a more healthier ,efficient and an array of food items in the modern day.

The eastern region of Sri Lankan is renowned to be actively engaged in 02 of the most ancient branches in the highly labor intensive food industry , “Agriculture and Fisheries”. The Eastern region abundantly blessed by its location in the Indian Ocean with fisheries resources and as the seasonal weather patterns to earn its tag as the ‘ Rice Bowl of Sri Lanka” we aim to develop and add value to these old and practiced industries through sustainable modern technologies.

A pilot project that is being launched which encompass the fishing community within the vicinity of the ‘Oluvil Fisheries Harbor’ that operates successfully , to be trained with new techniques of environmentally sustainable and environmental friendly fishing methods whilst harvesting more fisheries crop and not disturbing the ecological equilibrium. The traditional method where immediate disposal of their harvest to local supply chain for retail market our involvement is to develop modes and methods of value addition to the products through fish processing through modern technologies to the fishing community itself and delivering to local as well as international Market with international Standards maintained.